============= Release notes ============= .. towncrier release notes start 1.2.1 (2023-10-02) ================== Bug Fixes --------- * Implement the string representation for ``hotness.update.bug.file`` (`#58 `_) * Don't return packages when we don't know how they are named in Fedora (`#59 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * Aurélien Bompard 1.2.0 (2023-05-05) ================== Features -------- * Update shcema for new FMN (`PR#55 `_) Other Changes ------------- * Migrate from setuptools to poetry (`PR#46 `_) Contributors ------------ Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release: * james02135 * Michal Konečný 1.1.2 (2022-05-30) ================== Development Changes ------------------- * Fix the homepage on pypi.org (`#9 `_)